Today I went to Tianmu Trail with Keryn, Chiling, and Allen.

We met up at Shipai station then took bus(R19) to the entrance of the trail, and it's the first time Chiling hangout with me with her glasses, haha, she always wear contacts before.
I got off the bus at Tianmu Square because I thought that's the famous roundabout, but I was wrong, the square is the square and the roundabout is the roundabout, they're different places though I think they both look round.
Thanks god that this two places are only 10 minutes walking away from each one,so we don't have to jump on another bus.

The trail starts with stone steps, I felt tired and wanted to vomit soon after 15 minutes of hiking, apparently that I was lack of exercise for a long time, so  I'm weak and plump now.
If I was hiking along I might took a rest then cancel my hiking plan immediately, but luckily I was with friends, so I didn't give up. Thanks so much for Keryn's pocari sweat, it really made me feel better! And thanks for helping me bring my heavy bag, I promise I won't bring such bag next time.

(有些事或許不是我們真的做不到,而是背了一些不必要的重擔,所以走得頭昏眼花;其實何必帶著那麼多東西呢? 心靈小反思科科科。)

The end of  the trail is close to Chinese Culture University, Chiling took us to a famous beef noodle restaurant, it's so popular, we wait in line for about 30 hours. I  ordered a beef noodle of small serving, but it's not small at all, I was really full.

After the meal we took a walk in the campus, today's sky is really beautiful, and you can appreciate the Taipei basin from the campus, I love the theme that sunlight shoot from the gap of clouds which make rivers and rain drops(it rains sometimes) glittering like crystals.
What's more, we saw a big rainbow when we're going to take bus back to the MRT station. Rainbow is the present from rain and sun, I love it.

In my opinion, one of the advantages of living in Taipei is that you can reach mountains and sea very easily, the public transportation is so convenient. I plan to do more exploration during holidays.