跨海退租法國Free Mobile手機門號/ Terminate Free Mobile while you are not in France


感謝網友們分享的教學文與兩位美女網友大方接受我的私訊詢問,日前已自台灣提出了法國Free mobile手機門號的退租申請。


Thanks to people’s experiences sharing on the internet, I filled the termination request for my French  number(Free mobile) remotely from abroad (Taiwan) in the end of June.

Below is my experience, wish it could be useful for others facing similar situation.

現況 Current Status:

2021/06/24 使用法國郵政La Poste的「代客列印暨寄件」服務寄出雙掛號解約信(Courrier en ligne – Lettre recommandée avec avis de réception)後,Free mobile於2021/07/01發出訊息表示已收到我的解約要求,線上帳戶的狀態亦顯示為「退租」,目前待觀察的便是何時會停止扣繳月租費。(我是每月12.99的方案)

Since I’m not in France anymore, I sent the termination letter through La Poste website on 2021/06/24, and received an email from Free mobile on 2021/07/01 telling me that they have got my termination request. I am now keep monitoring that when Free mobile will stop deducting money from my French bank account.

 解約信內容乃照抄網友分享範例,La Poste網站的操作步驟亦是參考網友分享的教學文。

The contents of my termination letter was totally referred to the template shared in someone’s blog, and I followed the instruction regarding how to use La Poste online printing and mailing service shared in an online forum. Big thanks to these kind people’s sharing, it’s really helpful!

解約信收件地址官網沒有明示,只要求客戶先撥客服專線,再將解約需求寄至指定地址(Adressez votre demande de résiliation par courrier recommandé avec accusé de réception à l’adresse qui vous a été indiquée.),讓撥打專線遇到困難的我有點擔心,因此還私訊請教了兩位近一年內分享過退租心得的網友,詢問他們當時是把解約信寄到哪個地址。

I could not find where should I send the termination request on Free mobile website. On the website, it only ask you to call the service line first, then send the termination request to the appointed address. Because I faced some difficulties during the call, I decided to skip this step and send my request directly. Though some people have shared online the address where they sent their termination, I was a bit worried that it’s not updated, so I messaged two ladies who had terminated their free mobile within 1 year, and ask them to what address they sent the mail.

兩位網友給我的地址,與我後來在trip adviser 上搜尋到的英文討論串中所提到的地址是一模一樣的,而從我的解約信後來有寄達這點,應該也可以推論該地址於此刻尚為正確的Free Mobile 解約信收件地址(75371 Paris Cedex 08 <—就是這麼簡短)。

The Free mobile address from the 2 ladies is identical to what I found in an English discussion threads on trip advisor afterwards. I assume that’s still the right address at the moment (75371 Paris Cedex 08<–so short), because I sent to this address and Free mobile received it.

**過程中想記下的其他細節 Some other details I ‘d like to write down 

1. 有聽沒懂的Free mobile客服專線語音訊息 I could not understand the Free Mobile service line

一開始,我試著依網頁上的解約指示撥打Free mobile客服專線,然而專線撥進去的第一層語音說明中,完全聽不出有網頁上提到的“Informations sur la résiliation de votre abonnement” 這個選項;雖然我不會說法文,但如果他有說出這串字,我應該是能夠聽得出來的吧。 印象中我聽了三次都聽不出個所以然,不想再花電話費於是放棄繼續嘗試。

This point is hard for me to write in English, but let me try and see if there is someone could catch my point.



-使用者體驗超順暢的La poste代客寄件網站(某種程度而言突破語言的隔閡,很直覺)


另有件事不知道是否為巧合,自寄出解約信後,便陸續收到兩封過去從沒收到過的顧客意見調查信(VOTRE AVIS NOUS INTÉRESSE)。

**關鍵字 Keyword

#法國Free mobile退租 #法國Free mobile解約 #在台灣退租Free mobile

#法國手機解約 #法國手機退租

#Terminate free mobile France from abroad # Terminate free mobile after leaving France

# Free mobile résiliation