法國房屋補助溢領退回 France CAF housing allowance reimbursement



This post is about a story that CAF paid me one more month housing allocation, but demanded me to pay back 3-months. I was shocked and wrote to them immediately, and after 3 months, they noticed me I only have to pay back 1 month, however, I need to call them in 48 hours in order to confirm my consent to this decision, if I failed to to that, they will adopt legal procedures.


I was happy while receiving that mail 3 months after I mailing them, but also worried because I am not in France now and I can not speak French.

I write an email to the CAF of  Haute-Garonne (with “Urgent” in title, what I have learned in France is that if you don’t think your issue is important, no one else will think so), telling them my situation, and luckily I got a madame’s reply 1 workday after! It’s so efficient and I really feel graceful that they take my email instead of insisting me to call.

Merci à la CAF de la Haute-Garonne! 對法國好感度加分!

當然Google translation這回依然幫了法文不行的我大忙,謝謝Google。

Thank you to Google translation as well, I could not have sent the French mails without your help.

I will finish this post once I got the bank account of CAF, and pay back CAF.

溢領繳回的管道包含: 線上刷卡、支票、轉帳、代扣(SEPA),我選擇的是轉帳。





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#CAF France # France Housing Allocation